If you would like to be a sponsor or advertiser at Parafest 2013 please contact Paradox Entertainment at paradox@parafest2013.com
Name of company on website * 2 General Admission tickets for one day * Name of company in program
Small Logo of company on website * 2 VIP Access tickets for one day * Small Logo of company in program
Medium Logo of company on Sponsor page with link and Medium Logo of company in program * 2 VIP Access tickets for one day * Medium Logo of company on promotional publications
Large Logo of company on Sponsor page with link and Medium logo of company in program *4 VIP Access tickets for one day * Large Logo of company on promotional publications including media and apparel
Large Logo of company on Sponsor page with link and Large logo of company in program * 2 VIP Executive Access weekend passes * Large Logo of company on promotional publications including media and apparel * Access to Tier 5 Private Suite
Large Logo of company on Sponsor page with link and Full page ad of company in program * 4 VIP Executive Access weekend passes * Large Logo of company on promotional publications including media and apparel * Access to Tier 6 Private Suite
If you have any questions contact Scott Gerhart at 610-849-6401 or at paradox@parafest2013.com.
All full page ads are 5.5" x 8.5", full color, 200 DPI TIFF format.
We offer a multiple ad discount which can be applied to future programs. The discount is 10% for two pre-paid ads and 15% for three or more ads.